Expanding inclusivity through literature with functional diversity book clubs 

Organizers aim for everyone to have access to culture

Members of a functional diversity book club in Sant Fruitós de Bages
Members of a functional diversity book club in Sant Fruitós de Bages / Nia Escolà
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

August 13, 2024 12:05 PM

August 13, 2024 12:12 PM

Members of a book club for users with functional diversity meet weekly at the Sant Fruitós del Bages library, in central Catalonia. 

"Everyone has the right to access culture," states Montse Barat, one of the educators at the book clubs.  

That everyone can approach literature is one of the aims of these book clubs, that take place in various libraries in the Bages county and is promoted by Ampans, a foundation that supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities 

The books are adapted to be easy to read and understand, with guides and shortened sentences. It is not a summary or a book with children's language.  

These adaptations do not include metaphors or comparisons that can make reading more difficult and can lead to errors. 

"We have noticed that in the last few years the offer has become much broader, and people can choose more types of books," Barat mentioned.  

"I like to read because you learn a lot, words that you may not understand. And I think it is great that they are adapting books to easy reading so that everyone can read," Roger, one of the book club members said.  

Inclusivity through literature: Functional diversity book clubs