Creu de Sant Jordi awards back a welcoming, diverse, multilingual Catalonia
Musicians Estopa urge for strengthening healthcare system after being given highest civil distinction by Catalan government

Monday evening saw the awarding of the ‘Creus de Sant Jordi’ – the ‘Crosses of Saint George’ – the highest civil distinction in Catalonia, given each year to citizens who have "provided outstanding services to Catalonia,” often in a cultural sphere.
The 2022 award ceremony saw a defence of Catalonia as a welcoming, diverse, and multilingual land. Musicians Estopa and social activist Fàtima Ahmed were some of the awardees on Monday.
The Muñoz brothers from the band Estopa backed a “plural” Catalonia, which they want to see as an "example for the world," and made a strong defence for public healthcare and education "that takes care of everyone" regardless of their level of income. Estopa wanted to "share the honor" with health professionals and teachers.
Fàtima Ahmed highlighted the "tireless struggle" of Catalonia and the high regard for its own diversity, as well as the will to transform neighborhoods and cities with the aim of eradicating "discrimination.”
Catalan president Pere Aragonès applauded the territory for consolidating "everything that unites and reflects the plurality and diversity" of Catalonia.
Controversy after awarding 'Estopa'
When the awards were announced, some controversy arose as the 'Estopa' music group sings in Spanish. Some people took it to social media to wonder why the Catalan government did not prefer to honor other Catalan singing groups using the territory's language.
Donem una Creu de Sant Jordi als Estopa en comptes de, per exemple, als Sopa de Cabra per aquest 'quedar bé amb l'amo' tan català.
— Un tal Toni (@dracdolot) June 28, 2022
Em molesta la Creu de Sant Jordi a Estopa, perquè he conegut catalans vivint a Sud-Amèrica, amb parelles d'allí, que han mantingut el català amb els seus fills contra totes les dificultats de l'escola en castellà, entorn, família, avui se senten menystinguts per la Generalitat.
— La Psicòloga del Born (@psiborn) June 30, 2022
No entenc perquè Estopa mereix abans una creu de Sant Jordi que Sopa de Cabra o que Carles Sabater a títol pòstum.
— Cruyffista Unilateral (@CruyffistaU) June 28, 2022
Equilibris de país amb la cua entre les cames.
I Estopa ni canten ni parlen en català, ni han fet res per Catalunya, contràriament al que s’hauria d’esperar d’una Creu de Sant Jordi. Per què s’ha bandejat Sangtraït, els Pets, Sopa de Cabra…??
— cracia (@cracia2) June 30, 2022
The Catalan music group was awarded for being "the group with more sold albums and for the popularity of their songs, with several tracks linked to the real-life following pop, flamenco, and Catalan rumba styles," the statement said.
Several Catalan honored
Those honored also include Carme Elias, an actor, Tortell Poltrona, a clown, and Laia Palau, a basketball player.
Also included are the Elèctrica Dharma music group, Barcelona Liceu opera house foundation, and the Hipra pharmaceutical foundation, among others. The shortlist, as in recent years, preserves gender parity.
Other distinguished members of the Catalan society are Catalan language teacher Maria Carme Cardó; artist Mari Chorda, music producer and Picap promoter Joan Carles Doval, teacher, and artist Rosa Maria Duran, writer Josep Espunyes, physician María del Carmen Llasat, painter Josep Minguell, teacher, politician, and activist Maria Olivares, farmer Lluís Parés, engineer Jordi Puig, sociolinguistic Miquel Strubell, Japanese photographer based in Catalonia Hisao Suzuki, physician Lluís Torner, economist Carme Trilla, farmer Marina Vilalta, and artist Andreu Vilasís i Fernàndez-Capalleja.