
Carnival extravaganza draws crowds to Catalonia

Thousands enjoy the 'Disbauxa' parade in Sitges and the candy fight in Vilanova

The 'Disbauxa' parade in Sitges
The 'Disbauxa' parade in Sitges / Jordi Pujolar
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

February 12, 2024 04:05 PM

February 12, 2024 04:07 PM

Thousands of people gathered in Sitges on Sunday for one of the most lively and international carnival celebrations in Catalonia. 

Around 40 parades with 2,000 participants, dressed in glitter and feathers, led by carnival king Big Mag Cigalupi, brought music, dance and joy to the city center. 

This carnival was the first after the European Union's glitter ban, prompting organizers to come up with innovative ideas such as using leftover glitter from previous years or investing in more expensive but biodegradable glitter.


In Vilanova i la Geltrú, the traditional Carnival 'Comparsa' battle filled the streets with candy and color, using more than 100 tons of sweets.  

The ongoing drought led to a reduction in the use of sweets, and the town council recommended a smaller celebration area to save water for street cleaning. 

For the first time, the capacity of the main square was monitored and attendees were required to wear wristbands to enter. A total of 9,835 people were registered, including 8,000 adults and 1,400 children.


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