Barcelona’s 080 Fashion show to focus on functional diversity, bodies, sizes, and genders
Event takes place May 2 to 5 at Hospital Sant Pau art nouveau site with 25 catwalks

Barcelona's international fashion show, the 080, will focus on functional diversity, different bodies, sizes, and genders during its 31st edition from May 2 to 5 at the Hospital Sant Pau venue.
'Free Form Style', an inclusive brand, will be one of the highlights, taking over the catwalk on Friday at 11 am. This is the first inclusive brand in Spain with the idea of making "inclusive, cheerful, and fashionable clothes," as the company states online.
The goal for this year's 080 Fashion Show is to create a campaign to "raise awareness" of the variety of different body shapes, sizes and types.
Organizers have scheduled 25 different catwalks, two more than last year's edition, and will also address sustainability and reusability in the fashion industry, such as recycled textiles and timeless collections.
For the first time, 080 Barcelona Fashion will also include a swimsuits category in addition to the usual outdoor clothing and accessories.
Among other designers at the fashion show, aside from 'Free Form Style,' there are brands based in Catalonia, such as Simorra (catwalk on May 2 at 2 pm), Txell Miras (May 3 at 7 pm), Custo Barcelona (May 4 at 7 pm), and Lola Casademunt by Maite (May 5 at 5:30 pm).