Barcelona Contemporary Culture Center announces its 2021 program
Mars, masks, urban nature, and coexistence between species amongst next year's themes

The Barcelona Contemporary Culture Center (CCCB) announced its 2021 program. This will include four main exhibitions exploring the themes of Mars, coexistence between species, urban nature, and masks.
Overarchingly, the theme of this exhibition is living together, explained Judit Carrera, the director of the center.
Despite the entire program being arranged prior to the start of the pandemic, head of exhibitions Jordi Costa explained that the virus had left its "print" on everything.
The plan for 2021 was announced following the budget for this year being revealed as 10,800,000 euros, a 4% fall from the previous year.
2021 at the CCCB
The season will begin with "Mart el mirall vermell", which will last until July 11, 2021. Postponed due to the Covid-19 crisis, the exposition will delve throughout the diverse incarnations of the planet from Greek God, science fiction all the way to today, displaying it as a mirror for our wounded Earth.
Following this, "Ciència Fricció'' will be the second collection of works on display, from June 8 until November 28. It holds as inspiration eco-feminist Donna Haraway's book "Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene" and Lynn Margulis' work on species co-existence.
The exhibition will aim to further the dialogue surrounding species coexistence, and the hierarchy between humans and others.
From July 1, until September 19, visitors will be able to enjoy an experimental display called "Urban Nature": This work will straddle the disciplines of performing arts and expository language to explore urban life in the time of isolation and digital bubbles. It also includes a reflection, pondering the question of society as an ecosystem.
The final part of the program called "La màscara mai menteix" or "The mask never lies", invites audience members to look at the cultural history of what has become such a part of our daily lives.
"From the Ku Klux Klan to Pussy Riots", explained Costa, this exhibition showcases the journey of the mask from cultural piece to political symbol.
Branching out
CCCB will hold more than just exhibitions next year. In 2021 they will also host Kosmopolis, a literature festival, in June centered around science fiction.
The successful World Press Photo festival will be held around the same time as this year.
As well as this, the planned Primera Persona exhibition which was unable to go ahead this year will be presented next year with commissions from writers and artists in book form.
ALIA is a new alliance that has been formed between the center and Catalan science and technological entities, which will put on events such as artists residences and educational programs.
Currently, Carrera explained that the CCCB is working under the assumption of a nearly normal year next year, although they assume the first third of the year will be "complex".