Barça adds €0.50 eco-charge on tour and museum tickets
Extra charge will be used to achieve 'Net Zero' status for greenhouse gases emissions

FC Barcelona is now adding an eco-charge of €0.50 on tickets to the Barça Immersive Tour and the future Camp Nou Museum.
The operation started December 2, as part of the club's strategy to reach 'Net Zero'. This certification means that new greenhouse gases emitted are balanced by the removal of another polluting activity, which will be financed by this additional charge.
For the club, this action is a "sustainable initiative" inscribed in a larger program of promotion of sustainable development.
The revenues will be used to finance the sustainability programs of the club, including achieving 100% renewable energy consumption or new installations of electric terminals.
The club also insists in a press release on its aim to achieve 'Zero Waste' by 2030, through recycling materials for instance during the Camp Nou renovation.
This strategy of recycling would enable the Catalan institution to "reduce the CO2 footprint by 50%," according to a press release.