Use of Covid passports to be scrapped
Catalan government initially intended on extending their obligatory use to enter restaurants, cultural events, and other establishments

The Catalan government will scrap the obligatory use of Covid passports to enter bars, restaurants, cultural events, and other establishments.
The executive had initially planned on extending their use, but on Wednesday, sources confirmed that they will no longer be required XXX
Authorities came to this decision on the basis that the measure worked when the Delta variant was prevalent, but now that the much more transmissible Omicron strain of the coronavirus is dominant in Catalonia, and because the vaccine seems to prevent severe illness but not prevent transmission, then the use of the Covid passport to enter establishments is rendered somewhat redundant.
The pandemic advisory board agrees with lifting the measure in the coming days, and this approval was needed by the executive to make the decision to lift this restriction as well.
The report acknowledges that the measure has served in encouraging vaccination, key to reducing the severity of cases.
Government spokeswoman Patricia Plaja says the decision could be implemented immediately.
Until now, showing proof of vaccination has been required to enter bars, restaurants, cultural events, gyms, and care homes.
On Tuesday, the government already announced that the 10-person cap on social gatherings would be scrapped, meaning that from Friday the only Covid-19 restriction in force will be the closure of nightlife.
However, industry leaders suggest that February 11 has been earmarked as the re-opening date for this sector.
The sector met with the government on Tuesday afternoon to assess the situation.
From that meeting, February 11 was mentioned as a possible reopening date, "but we are very worried because we have not been assured that it is the final date, it is not yet certain," the secretary-general of the Nightclubs Guild of Barcelona, Ramon Mas, said.
If nightlife does return, the conditions would be almost like normal, with the usual opening hours, 80 or 100% capacity and with a dance floor the same as pre-pandemic times.
However, industry leaders were left "very disappointed" leaving the meeting with authorities. "They have not specified or justified anything. We are concerned about the message of insecurity," nightlife association head David Lopez said.
Joaquim Boadas, secretary-general of the nightlife association, also made a plea for economic aid "in line with the restrictions" placed on the industry.
According to Boadas, the financial aid "only covers 0.5% of the accumulated losses; aid of €100 million for losses of more than €35 billion. Totally insufficient and ridiculous."