Public Health secretary indicates some easing of restrictions next week
Josep Maria Argimon says he hopes a little "more air" can be given following reopening of malls

Public Health secretary, Josep Maria Argimon, has indicated that there will be some further easing of coronavirus restrictions next week.
Speaking to radio broadcaster Rac 1 on Monday, Argimon said he hoped authorities could give a little "more air," following the reopening of shopping malls this week.
The health secretary said that the current tight restrictions on travel to other counties would remain in place for the next while and also added that the British variant of Covid-19 would become the predominant strain in Catalonia in the coming days.
Regarding FC Barcelona's upcoming presidential election, Argimon said he was not in favor of making an exception to travel restrictions that would allow club members to leave their county in order to cast their vote on Sunday. "It's Barça, I love it very much, it's more than a club, but people wouldn't understand," he said.
Looking further ahead, Argimon predicted that this summer will be better than last year, with more tourism and higher capacities permitted at eateries and venues, but was less optimistic regarding Sant Jordi.
Sant Jordi – or St George's Day – is celebrated with books and roses throughout Catalonia on April 23.
Shopping malls and large retailers reopen
Shopping malls and large retailers reopened on Monday, nearly two months after they were ordered to close, as Catalan authorities eased some Covid-19 restrictions.
But offsetting losses will not be easy. One in five stores located inside malls have closed for good, according to Catalonia's association of shopping center stores. Businesses averaged €12,000 in monthly losses.