Foreigners must now obtain CatSalut health card for Covid-19 vaccinations
'Displaced people' living in Catalonia asked to register with public health system to receive jab

As of this week, 'displaced people' with residency permits who live in Catalonia will have to register with the public health system if they wish to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
In early April, authorities had set up a system allowing them to sign up to receive the jab without the CatSalut card, but decided to close it on May 31 after receiving 5,700 requests over two months including people staying for a few months in Catalonia, public health secretary Carmen Cabezas told Catalan News.
The term 'displaced people' as used by the health department refers to people who are not Spanish citizens and are legal residents but do not have a CatSalut card, not to irregular migrants or refugees.
People who are considered to be socially vulnerable and who have not yet been able to obtain a CatSalut health card will still receive care, while both primary care centers (CAPs) and non-profits such as Arrels Fundació will assist them in receiving their vaccines, Cabezas said.
Vaccine rollout progress
As of June 3, 2021, 2,956,063 residents have been given the first dose of the vaccine, 37.7% of the total population. Out of those, 1,557,492 have also been administered the second dose (19.9% of the total population). 1,660,779 residents are considered to be fully immunized (21.2%).
Under 65s who have already had the virus are only required to have the first dose, and others have received a single-dose jab. Therefore, the % of two doses administered and % fully immunized do not match.
People aged 45-49 in Catalonia can already book an appointment to get their Covid-19 vaccines, while the inoculation campaign is expected to reach all people in their 40s by mid-June.
Accessing the public health system
All of Catalonia's residents have the right to access the public health system, regardless of their residency status.
For further details on how the Catalan healthcare system works, click here.
Under usual circumstances, foreign residents must first register with their local council 'padró' by demonstrating where they live (with a housing contract, a letter from someone on the contract or a utility bill, for example) and then apply for a CatSalut health card at their local Primary Healthcare Center (CAP). Now, because of the public health crisis, the card can be applied for directly online.
Lower-income foreign residents who are not registered in the Spanish social security system usually must apply for public coverage here, but as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, they are now requested to do so through the generic online application form.
Everyone will be provided with essential medical care in the event of an emergency, but those who are not yet registered may incur additional costs.