Dates and locations of new set of mass screenings for Covid-19 in Catalonia
Tests aimed at asymptomatic public are free with both PCR and antigen methods used

Catalonia's health department has set up a new scheme of Covid-19 mass testing in order to identify as many asymptomatic positive cases as possible and reduce the transmission of the disease.
In most cases, they are aimed at people over 16 without symptoms and the only requirement to take part is to live in the same neighborhood or municipality where they are being performed.
Full name, address and a phone number will have to be provided, and showing the public health card will be optional.
The results will either be given some minutes after the test or within the following 72 hours, and in all cases through the La Meva Salut website.
Here's the full list provided by the health department as of December 1, 2020:
Municipality |
Area involved |
Date |
Time |
Address of screening |
Age range |
Comments |
Barcelona |
Basic health areas of Barceloneta, Casc Antic, Gòtic, Raval Sud, Raval Nord |
Dec 3-16 (working days) |
8.30am to 7pm |
Universitat de Barcelona (Carrer de Montalegre, 6. Sala de juntes de la Facultat de Geografia i Història and sala de juntes de Filosofia) |
16 and over |
Barcelona |
Basic health areas of Sagrada Família, Gaudí, Sanllehy, Sardenya, Guinardó, Congrés, Encants, Camp de l'Arpa, lesseps, La Salut |
Dec 1-15 (working days) |
8.30am to 7.30pm (Dec 1 from 2pm to 7.30pm) |
Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau – Sala Hipòstila (c. Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167) |
16 and over |
Barcelona |
Basic health areas of Horta, Sant Rafael |
Dec 1-4 |
3pm to 8pm |
Centre Esportiu Municipal (CEM) Olímpics (Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 166) |
16 and over |
Barcelona |
Basic health areas of Porta, Les Roquetes, Turó de la Peira |
Dec 3-11 (working days) |
8.30am to 7.30pm |
Casal de Gent Gran Casa Nostra (c. de la Maladeta, 38) |
16 and over |
Montcada i Reixac |
N/A |
Dec 2-3 |
9am to 7pm |
Montcada Aqua Salut (c. Tarragona, 32) |
14 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Martorell |
N/A |
From Nov 27 (not on Sundays) |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays, 9am to 3pm on Saturdays |
Biblioteca Martorell. Av. Mancomunitats Comarcals, 13 |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Sant Boi de Llobregat |
N/A |
From Nov 30 |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays |
Centre Cívic l’Olivera. C. de Joan Pagès. Accés pel carrer Antonio Machado, 1. |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Cornellà de Llobregat |
N/A |
From Nov 30 |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays |
Centre Cívic Sant Ildefons. C. de Gerdera |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Sant Feliu de Llobregat |
N/A |
From Nov 30 |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays |
Centre Cívic Mas Lluí. C. Estelí, 10-12. Accés per la Plaça Dicià |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
El Prat de Llobregat |
N/A |
From Nov 30 (not on Sundays) |
12pm to 8pm on weekdays, 8am to 8pm on Saturdays |
Centre Cívic Jardins de la Pau. C. Jardins de la Pau, s/n. |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Santa Margarida i els Monjos |
N/A |
From Nov 30 |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays |
Molí d’en Foix. Av. Catalunya, 84 |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Vilafranca del Penedès |
N/A |
From Nov 30 |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays |
Local dels Falcons. C. Pasteur, 7 |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Vilanova i la Geltrú |
N/A |
From Nov 30 |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays |
Centre Cívic Sant Joan. Jardins Francesc Macià, s/n |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Sant Sadurní d’Anoia |
N/A |
From Dec 1 |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays |
C. Pompeu Fabra, 34-36. Also: Casal d’avis. C. Escoles, 6 |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Sant Andreu de la Barca |
N/A |
From Dec 1 |
3pm to 8pm on weekdays |
Centre Cívic La Plana. C. Garraf, s/n |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Pallejà |
N/A |
From Dec 1 |
10am to 12pm and 3pm to 5pm on weekdays |
In front of Parc Infantil Patufet |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Gavà |
N/A |
From Dec 1 |
12pm to 8pm on weekdays, 8am to 8pm on Saturdays |
Casal Gent Gran “El Centre”. C. San Isidro. 22-24 |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Viladecans |
N/A |
From Dec 2 |
12pm to 8pm on weekdays, 8am to 8pm on Saturdays |
Casal del Barri “La Unión”. C. Dos de maig, 41 |
16 and over |
Appointment not needed. Rapid tests, results in 15 minutes |
Igualada |
N/A |
Dec 1-3 |
9am to 7pm |
Escorxador d'Igualada |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Manresa |
N/A |
Dec 1, 3 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Centre Cívic Font dels Capellans (Dec 1) and Biblioteca Ateneu (Dec 3) |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Solsona |
N/A |
Dec 3-4 |
10am to 2pm |
Sala Polivalent de l'Ajuntament |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Sant Fruitós de Bages |
N/A |
Dec 2 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Centre Nexe |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Berga |
N/A |
Dec 1-2 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
L'Hotel d'Entitats |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Puig-reig |
N/A |
Dec 3 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Pavelló petit |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Gironella |
N/A |
Dec 4 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Llar d’Avis |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Moià |
N/A |
Dec 4 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Pavelló Municipal |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Santa Margarida de Montbui |
N/A |
Dec 4 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 7pm |
Centre Cultural Mont-Àgora |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Vic |
N/A |
Dec 1-2 |
10am to 2pm and 3pm to 7pm |
Medical tents next to primary care centers of CAP Vic Nord and CAP Vic Sud |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Roda de Ter |
N/A |
Dec 3 |
8pm to 5pm |
Medical tent next to primary care center |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Manlleu |
N/A |
Dec 3-4 |
2pm to 7pm on Dec 3, 9am to 2pm on Dec 4 |
Medical tent next to primary care center |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Artés |
N/A |
Dec 9 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Sala 2 de Gener |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Sallent |
N/A |
Dec 9 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Poliesportiu |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Navàs |
N/A |
Dec 10 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Premises next to Ajuntament (town hall) |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Navarcles |
N/A |
Dec 10 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Pavelló Municipal |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Santpedor |
N/A |
Dec 11 |
8.30am to 1.30pm and 3pm to 8pm |
Cal Llovet |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Torelló |
N/A |
Dec 10-11 |
9am to 2pm on Dec 10, 3pm to 8pm on Dec 11 |
Medical tent next to primary care center |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Lleida |
N/A |
Until Dec 4 - from Dec 5 in several neighborhoods TBC |
4pm to 8pm |
Pavelló Onze de Setembre |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Almenar |
N/A |
Nov 30, Dec 1 |
9am to 1pm, 4pm to 7pm |
Escoles Velles |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Ponts |
N/A |
Dec 2 |
10am to 1pm, 4pm to 7pm |
Sala Polivalent de l’ajuntament |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Cervera |
N/A |
Dec 3-4 |
9am to 1pm, 4pm to 7pm |
Sala polivalent del Centre Cívic (carrer Manel Ibarra) |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Tàrrega |
N/A |
Dec 5-6 |
9am to 1pm, 4pm to 7pm |
Espai MerCAT |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
Balaguer |
N/A |
Dec 5-6 |
9am to 1pm, 4pm to 7pm |
Pavelló Polivalent Inpacsa |
16 and over |
Antigen test |
El Pont de Suert |
Residing in same town not needed |
Nov 30-Dec 2 |
9am to 1pm |
Pavelló Esportiu |
16 and over |
Pobla de Segur |
Residing in same town not needed |
Nov 30-Dec 2 |
9am to 2pm, 3pm to 8pm |
Pavelló Esportiu |
16 and over |
Sort |
Residing in same town not needed |
Nov 30-Dec 2 |
9am to 1pm, 3pm to 7pm |
Consell Comarcal |
16 and over |
Tremp |
Residing in same town not needed |
Nov 30-Dec 4 |
10am to 2pm, 3pm to 6pm |
Pavelló Esportiu |
16 and over |
La Seu d'Urgell |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 1-3 |
12pm to 2.30pm, 3pm to 7.30pm |
Centre Cívic |
16 and over |
Oliana |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 1-4 |
9.30am to 1.30pm, 3pm to 7pm |
Sala Polivalent |
16 and over |
Llavorsí |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 3 |
3pm to 7pm |
Centre Cívic |
16 and over |
Vilaller |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 3 |
9am to 2pm |
Local Social Montidro |
16 and over |
Senterada |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 3 |
9am to 11.30am |
Consultori Local |
16 and over |
La Pobleta de Bellveí |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 3 |
12pm to 2.30pm |
Consultori Local |
16 and over |
Tírvia |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 4 |
9am to 11am |
Forn Vell |
16 and over |
Ribera de Cardós |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 4 |
12pm to 2pm |
Nou Casal |
16 and over |
Salàs de Pallars |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 4 |
9am to 2.30pm |
Piscina municipal |
16 and over |
Barruera |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 4 |
9am to 2pm |
Escola Natura |
16 and over |
Organyà |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 8-10 |
3pm to 7pm on Dec 8-9, 9.30am to 1.30pm on Dec 10 |
Centre Cívic |
16 and over |
Isona |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 9 |
9am to 3pm |
Poliesportiu |
16 and over |
Esterri d'Àneu |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 9 |
9am to 2pm, 3pm to 7 pm |
Poliesportiu |
16 and over |
Coll de Nargó |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 9-10 |
9.30am to 1.30pm on Dec 9, 3pm to 7pm on Dec 10 |
16 and over |
Rialp |
Residing in same town not needed |
Dec 11 |
9am to 3pm |
Saló |
16 and over |
Figueres |
Nov 30-Dec 5 |
9am to 2pm, 3pm to 8pm |
Centre Cívic de la Creu de la Mà (Pl. Remei Bosch) on Dec 1, Auditori dels Caputxins (C/ del Rec Arnau, 8) on Dec 2, Centre Cívic Joaquim Xirau - Marca de l’Ham (C/ de Vilatenim) on Dec 3, Teatre Bon Pastor (C/ Dr. Barraquer) on Dec 4, Auditori dels Caputxins (C/ del Rec Arnau, 8) on Dec 5 |
16 and over |
Antigen test |