Covid-19 vaccine open to teenagers aged 12 to 15 from Wednesday
Appointments will be made available through the official website

Adolescents aged 12 to 15 years old will be able to book a Covid-19 vaccine appointment from Wednesday, thus becoming the latest age group that can receive the jab.
"We must start the school year with as many people vaccinated as possible," said Catalan president Pere Aragonès on Tuesday.
Last week, Catalonia reached the milestone of nine million vaccine doses administered. Two out of three adults are deemed fully immunized and more than 40% of young people aged 16 to 29 have had at least one dose.
As of August 2, 2021, 5,108,452 residents have been given the first dose of the vaccine, 64.8% of the total population. Out of those, 4,070,843 have also been administered a second dose (51.8% of the total population). 4,568,785 residents are considered to be fully immunized (58%).
Step-by-step instructions
Go to and click on the ‘Accedir-hi’ button at the bottom of the page.
The default option asks you to provide your CIP code. The CIP is a 14-digit code on the front of your CatSalut public healthcare card. It contains four letters (normally, the two first letters of your first and second surname), followed by 10 numbers, which should include your birthday in YY/MM/DD format.
You can also click on the 'DNI/NIE/PASSAPORT' button on the top of the page and instead provide an alternative ID code.
The other boxes request your phone number, name, first surname, second surname (not compulsory), and email address. Fill them and click on the ‘Acceptar’ button.
You will receive an SMS code consisting of four numbers. Enter the code in the box and click ‘Acceptar’.
There is a list of different vaccination points across Catalonia, including public clinics, cultural centers, and other buildings.
Select a date (the ones in grey are not available) and a time to get the vaccine. Click on ‘Confirmar Cita’.
You will receive an SMS and an email confirming your appointment.