Spain's inflation rises to 3.6% in May due to energy and fuel prices

Index reaches highest level since April 2023

Inflation in Spain has risen due to increased electricity prices
Inflation in Spain has risen due to increased electricity prices / Maria Aladern
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

May 30, 2024 10:36 AM

May 30, 2024 10:37 AM

Spain’s inflation increased to 3.6% during May, a rise of 0.3% in comparison to April, reports Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE) in a preliminary report.

The rise is mainly linked to the rising electricity prices, and in a smaller way to the rising fuel prices.

This marks the highest inflation rate since April of 2023 and the third annual rise.

The price of unprocessed food has increased with a decimal since April, landing at 3%.

Consumer prices have also increased by 0.3%, a smaller increase in comparison to April’s 0.7%.

In Catalonia the inflation increased by two tenths, standing at 3.3%, mostly due to the price of housing and food.

The definitive figures for May will be published in June by the INE.