Seat breaks record in sales for first 4 months of 2019
Catalan car manufacturer hits 200k in sales between January and April, 7% increase compared to same period in 2018

Seat broke their sales record for the first four months of a year, from January to April 2019, with 202,600 vehicles sold worldwide.
The Catalan car manufacturer sold 7% more vehicles in 2019 than over the same period in 2018 and it reached the 200,000 landmark for the first time ever.
Spain continues to be the main market for Seat, with the León model being the most popular, but other European markets are growing fast.
Strong European markets
Germany is comes in second place, with 13% more sales this year than January to April 2018, followed by the UK (7%), France (14%) and Italy (14%).
Seat earned 89 million euros in profits over the first quarter of 2019, which is a 5.5% increase from the same period last year.
The iconic Catalan firm is a top contributor to the country's GDP and sold a record number of 517,000 vehicles in 2018. Its turnover was over 10 billion euros for the first time (10,202).
In February, the manufacturer unveiled its new Minimó model, a 100% urban electric car that also connects to the 5G network.