
Iryo high-speed train to connect Barcelona and Málaga from December

Trains departing daily for under six-hour trip

A Iryo high-speed train in an archive picture
A Iryo high-speed train in an archive picture / Iryo
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

September 6, 2024 12:18 PM

September 6, 2024 12:20 PM

Iryo high-speed trains will connect Barcelona with the southern Spanish city of Málaga starting on December 15, as announced by the company on Friday via a press release.

The daily trip will take 5:50 hours, stopping in three Spanish cities along the way.

Departing Barcelona at 11:50 am, Iryo will stop in Zaragoza, in Madrid for 20 minutes, and in Córdoba before reaching its final destination in Málaga at 5:42 pm.

From Málaga, trains will depart at 11:35 am, and arrive in Barcelona at 5:37 pm.

This will be Iryo's second route between Catalonia and Andalusia, following the launch of the Barcelona-Seville route in 2023.

Overall, 336,530 seats will be available on this new service.


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