Inflation in Catalonia down to 2.9% in July
Decline due to lower prices in electricity and foodDecline due to lower prices in electricity and food

Inflation in Catalonia has decreased seven tenths to 2.9% in July, according to the data published by Spain's National Statistics Institute (INE).
This is the first decline after four months of continuous rise in the Consumer Prince Index (CPI).
This decrease is due to the moderation in the price of electricity and food, as well as the low increase in the price of culture and leisure activities.
Core CPI, which does not take into account the most volatile prices, also stands at 2.9%, which is 0.4 less than in the month of June.
In Spain, inflation has also slowed down as it currently stands at 2.8%, which is six tenths less than in the month of June.
Core CPI in Spain also stands at 2.8%, a 0.2 decrease and the lowest percentage in the past two and a half years.