Heatwave in Catalonia affecting livestock
Milk production drops 30% due to high temperatures, while chicken mortality rates increase

The ongoing heatwave in Catalonia is affecting livestock in the country. Cows, pigs, and chickens are particularly suffering from temperatures reaching above 40°C in some parts of the country.
Due to the extreme heat, milk production has dropped by 30%. High temperatures are also causing a rise in the mortality rate of chickens. Animals also eat less when it is hot, so the fattening up of pigs slows down.
Keeping the animals cool is one of the top priorities for farmers. Indeed, for this reason, energy consumption has increased by 20%.
One farm in the Girona region showers the cows each time they are milked in order to help them bear the temperatures. Stables are also full of fans that keep the air moving.
In the Lleida region where extreme temperatures are more common both in summer and winter, more and more farmers are investing in ventilation systems, humidifiers, and protective panels.