Danone commits to working on reindustrialization of plant it intends to close
Workers remain defiant, promise to "fight to the maximum" so that factory doesn't shut

The management of Danone say they want to find the "best solution" for the Parets del Vallès plant after announcing their intention to close the factory last week, a move affecting 157 workers.
After the first meeting with union representatives to negotiate the closure of the factory, sources consulted by the Catalan News Agency say the company wants to put forward proposals and measures aimed at "promoting the reindustrialization" of the facility, with the aim of "facilitating industrial continuity in the area and minimizing the labor impact."
On the other hand, workers say they are not resigned to the fact that the situation is irreversible and warn that they will put up a fight for Danone to stay in Parets.
"We will fight to the end," the president of the workers' committee, Jordi Barragan, told media after the meeting.
The first meeting between workers and management did not last more than two hours and was used to set the schedule for the next meetings and for the company to hand over to the workers' representatives the documentation that justifies the closure of the plant.
According to Danone, the talks have taken place with a cordial atmosphere.