Catalonia's pensions more sustainable than Spain's, Catalan government says
Government report predicts 2018 turnaround in social security system deficit, guaranteeing pension payments to Catalan workers

The social security system in Catalonia would remain sustainable if the country were independent. This is the conclusion of a Catalan government report comparing the state of the social security system in Catalonia with that of Spain as a whole. The conclusions are based on the fact that there are more working taxpayers in Catalonia and that salaries are generally higher.
Catalan labor minister, Dolors Bassa, said that the figures in the study show that the pension system is in on course to reach “budgetary equilibrium” in 2018, which labour secretary, Josep Ginesta, says guarantees the pensions of Catalan workers. Ginesta said that the government estimates that if the job market continues to rally at the same rate it has this year, social security contributions and salaries will improve “enough to balance the system.”