Catalonia has capacity to be a leading country worldwide, says president at business event
Quim Torra spoke at the ‘Businesspeople’s Night’ put on by business association CECOT

The Catalan president believes that the country has everything needed to be "a model, leading country worldwide."
Quim Torra has called for Catalonia to become "a democratic, technological model worldwide, and this has to be a shared goal by businesses and citizens."
At the 24th ‘Nit de l’Empresari’ (translated as ‘Businessperson’s Night’) on Tuesday night put on by CECOT business association, the Catalan president Quim Torra also said that the digital policies have to be part of the economic, social and institutional policies because "they are guarantee of a more efficient future."
This way, according to him, the country will become a leading "smart country" in Europe and worldwide.
"We're on the right side of history," says Torra
During his speech in the CECOT annual gala, he thanked the organization for “loyalty” in a year “filled with repression.”
“We’re on the right side of history,” said Torra, while highlighting the “hope” given by the resistance of the Catalan economy faced with “pressure” from the state. The leader of the Catalan government further condemned the October 6, 2017 Spanish government decree which facilitated companies leaving Catalonia amid political turmoil -and which has not been overturned by the new Socialist government.
A mention to Catalan leaders in prison or abroad
The audience at the event also applauded mentions by Torra and CECOT president Antoni Abad regards pro-independence Catalan leaders who are currently in prison or abroad, who, as president Torra said, “should be here, and are not.” The CECOT event in 2017 was, as noted by the Catalan president, one of former president Puigdemont’s “final acts” before leaving for Belgium.
Meanwhile, CECOT president Antoni Abad criticized of the “long list of faults and historic non-accomplishments” of the Spanish state regards Catalonia, proclaiming “where there is no quality democracy, there are many breaches.” “What gives a democracy legitimacy is that it be validated by its citizens,” Abad said.
Awards given
The 24th edition of the Businesspeople’s Night by CECOT awarded the Casamitjana business, as well as Macsa ID (as the most international), Dormity (as the most dynamic), COMSER (with the best young business initiative) and Cebiotex (for business innovation).
Other awards were also given to the Fundació Ampans and Airos Gluten Free, as well as l'Associació Catalana de Recursos Assistencials; meanwhile, president of the Moventia group Miquel Martí was awarded as well. CECOT is a multisectorial aiming to “promote and defend the interests of Catalan companies,” according to their own website. This year is the organization’s 40th anniversary.