Catalonia ends 2022 with lowest December unemployment figure in 15 years
346,338 people out of work last month

A total of 346,338 people were registered as unemployed in Catalonia last month, the lowest number for the month of December since 2007.
According to figures released by Spain's labor ministry on Tuesday morning, there were 22,820 fewer people out of work last month than in December 2021 (-6.18%) and 2,644 fewer than in November (-0.76%), when unemployment increased slightly.
All in all, there were 3,615,780 employed workers, the highest number since records began in 2004.
Unemployment compared to November dropped the most in the Lleida area of western Catalonia (-1.39%), followed by Tarragona in the south (-0.87%), Barcelona (-0.75%), and Girona (-0.30%).
Compared to December 2021, however, there was an 11.74% drop in Tarragona, -11.25% in Lleida, -9.88% in Girona, and lastly -4.31% in Barcelona.
Under 3 million unemployed in Spain
The number of people out of work across Spain continues to be under 3 million, decreasing by 1.52% on November 2022 figures. Unemployment in 2022 declined in Catalonia at a lower rate than the Spanish average of -8.64% and was far from the averages seen in the Balearic Islands (-35.95%) or Madrid (-18.57%).
Over a third - 38% - of all new contracts are permanent since the Spanish government's labor reform came into effect around a year ago limiting temporary posts.