
Catalan plant to make 34 commuter trains for Luxembourg

Alstom's factory in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda will start delivery of the high-tech rolling stock in December 2021

The Alstom trains to be sent to Luxembourg (photo courtest of Alston)
The Alstom trains to be sent to Luxembourg (photo courtest of Alston) / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

January 8, 2019 12:39 PM


French rail manufacturer Alstom's production plant in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, near Barcelona, is to build 34 commuter trains for Luxembourg.

The contract between the multinational and CFL, Luxembourg's rail operator, is worth 360 million euros for the fleet of trains, delivery of which will begin in December 2021.

The trains will be able to reach a speed of 160 km/h, will be between 80 and 160 meters long, and will be double-decked to maximise their capacity.

The design of the trains, which will also circulate in Belgium and France, involves experts from five different countries: Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and Spain.

Alstom says the trains will have "the most advanced technology," with wifi and LED lighting, and will have special areas for reading, for bicycles, and for people with reduced mobility.

The trains belong to Alstom's Coradia range of rolling stock, which operate in nine European Union member states, as well as in Canada.

Alstom's Santa Perpètua plant, the most modern the company has in Europe, built the high-speed trains between Madrid and Seville, half of the Civia range of commuter trains, and the driverless trains on the Barcelona metro.



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