Catalan exports grow in August reaching €6.9bn
Sales of goods abroad surpasses €68bn since the beginning of the year

Catalan exports grew by 1.7% in August, totaling €6.941bn, as figures published by Spain's industry, trade and tourism ministry on Thursday show.
In the year to date, sales of goods abroad have reached €68.612bn.
Compared to the same month of 2019, the last year before the pandemic, exports are up by 45%.
Chemical products are Catalonia's biggest export, accounting for 27% of the total, with sales worth €1.871 billion.
Food, beverages, and tobacco are next, worth €1.213 billion, and totaling 17.5% of the overall. Sales in the automotive sector rank third, with a value of €1.124 million, a share of 16.2%.
Comparing industry data to last year, automotive sales are up 58.8% on August 2022, while sales abroad of chemical products grew by 5.3%, while exports of food, beverages, and tobacco fell by 4.5%.