Barcelona port opens new maritime shipping connection with Greece and Turkey
Journey from Catalan capital to port near Istanbul to take five days

The port of Barcelona has announced a new maritime shipping connection with Piraeus in Greece, eight kilometers southwest of Athens city center, and Kumport port near Istanbul. The non-stop journey between the Catalan capital and Greece takes three days.
The ship will take two more days to reach its final destination, as it will also stop in the Turkish ports of Safiport Derince and Aliağa.
The direct journey between Barcelona and Piraeus offers "very competitive conditions to Catalan and Spanish companies who export to sell their products in the eastern Mediterranean," sources from the Port of Barcelona said.
The first vessel reached Catalan shores on Tuesday and is part of the Turkey Spain Morocco Express service from the Chinese company COSCO Shipping.
Piraeus also benefits Catalan sellers as COSCO Shipping Line has its own hub in the Greek city, allowing connections with other Mediterranean, European, and Asian ports.
The boat will also stop in the Spanish cities of Valencia and Algeciras, in the south, before finishing in the Moroccan city of Casablanca.