Automotive industry suffers worst month for new registrations in 20 years
Nissan factory staff begin indefinite strike to protest lack of clarity over future

April saw the automotive sector record its lowest number of registrations in the last twenty years due to the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus crisis.
According to data published by the Spanish Association of Automobile and Truck Manufacturers (ANFAC) on Monday, sales of cars and SUVs have been worst hit, with the 4,163 registrations recorded across Spain in April down 96.5% on the same month last year.
Looking at the period from January to April this year, sales are down 49% on 2019.
ANFAC expects sales to increase in May as dealers begin to reopen again, with certain restrictions, but says that it will be summer before any significant recovery is seen.
Nissan workers begin indefinite strike
Meanwhile on Monday staff at Nissan factories began an indefinite strike, protesting the company's lack of clarity about the future of plants in Catalonia.
According to the CCOO union, the first plant where workers have downed tools is Montcada i Reixac, with 100% support among workers for the stoppage.
“The horizon is more uncertain than ever and 3,000 direct jobs and around 20,000 indirect ones are at risk,” according to CCOO.
Workers have called on management to come up with a plan for the future of the Catalan factories and to guarantee the employment of workers.
The Japanese company’s factories in Catalonia have been losing production volume year after year and the company has been studying the viability of its facilities since the beginning of the year. A decision is expected to be made public by early summer.
The strike was called two weeks ago following an unsuccessful meeting between workers and management.