9 in 10 economists say Catalan economic situation same or worse than 2018
Two thirds of those polled see political situation in Catalonia and Spain as one of main concerns

An overwhelming majority of economists in Catalonia say that the economic situation in the country has remained the same (43%) or has worsened (45.5%) in the past twelve months.
This is according to a survey made by the Col·legi d'Economistes, a professional association gathering some 8,000 economists – some 2,000 of them took part in the poll.
Only around 10% of them believe that the country's economy is now better off.
Most of them also give a gloomy perspective of the future: 49.3% of them believe the situation will be worse in 12 months, while 43.1% consider it will remain the same, with only 6.4% saying it will improve.
Economists give a score of 5.39 out of 10 to the current situation in Catalonia. Meanwhile Spain's economic situation is given a slightly worse grade: 5.09.
The poll also looks into the concerns of economists, with the political situation in both Catalonia and Spain being mentioned as a "problem" by 63% of those surveyed.
The fiscal deficit – the difference between the taxes Catalonia contributes to Spain, and the money returning to Catalonia – is the second worry, and the shortcomings in infrastructures is number three.
The president of Col·legi d'Economistes, Anton Gasol, said that the exact concerns about the political situations are unspecified – the independence issue and the Spanish politics deadlock could be among them.
Yet, according to Gasol, it is "exaggerated and risky" to say that the riots after the jailed leaders' verdict had any impact on the economy.
The poll also asked about Brexit, and Catalan economists conclude that the UK leaving the EU could especially impact on the tourism, agri-food and automobile sectors.