America's Cup aiming to have lasting impact on Catalan economy
Government hopes yacht race can help turn territory into a model for maritime sustainability

Catalan business minister Roger Torrent and Grant Dalton, the CEO of the America's Cup Event in Barcelona, have signed a collaborative agreement on Thursday to consolidate the impact that the sailing competition will have on the Catalan economy.
The aim of the Government is to benefit from the sporting event that will start this September in Vilanova i la Geltrú and take place until October 2024.
The Catalan Government is focused on increasing the use of "clean hydrogen" in the maritime sector, as well as boosting the technological ecosystem and local businesses before, during, and after the America's Cup event.
"Not only will the competition show Catalonia to the world, but it will also establish projects and bring innovation to businesses," Roger Torrent said.
The agreement aims to transform Catalonia into an example of sustainability in the maritime sector. To do so, it has also been agreed that new innovations regarding hydrogen generated in the competition will be property of the Catalan government.
The marine industry is highly contaminating, a fact that Grant Dalton acknowledged while mentioning that a green transition is "one of the challenges of America's Cup."
The competition has already made some changes in this aspect and all the support boats of the Cup work with green hydrogen generating zero emissions.