
CaixaBank earns €970 million in third quarter, less than last year due to integration of Barclays Bank SAU

October 28, 2016 06:27 PM | ACN

CaixaBank, Catalonia's largest financial group and one of the most significant companies in the whole of Spain, reported this Friday net attributable profit of €970 million for the first nine months of 2016, down 2.6% on the same period of 2015, which included a number of one-off impacts associated with the integration of Barclays Bank, SAU. Pre-tax profit amounted to €1,314 million, up 45.2% in comparison to last year.  Impairment losses on financial assets and others totalled €1,177 million, a 33.3% decreased in comparison to last year on account of the reduction in loan-loss provisions.

Tax on empty flats levies €11.3 million to provide more social housing in Catalonia

April 14, 2016 07:50 PM | ACN

In its first annual collection, a tax raised on banks and other financial institutions maintaining empty flats has generated €11.3 million. When it was first approved, the tax was only expected to raise €8 million. The revenue from the tax is a “very positive” first assessment according to Catalan Minister for Public Administration and Housing, Meritxell Borras. The revenue gained from taxing 198 institutions with flats that remained empty for two years or more will be used to purchase 260 properties for public housing in Catalonia. However, Borras is concerned that the tax will be “endangered” by potential interference by the government in state functions. 

Catalan tourism tax generates €43.5 million in 2015

April 14, 2016 09:08 AM | ACN

The Catalan Government collected €43.5 million in tourism tax revenue in 2015, an increase of nearly 5.5% from 2014. Quarterly analysis shows a growth in revenue from hotels, cruises, and tourist homes used by those visiting Catalonia. Additionally, the Catalan Government said that 2015’s numbers show widespread growth in touristic revenues across almost all areas of Catalonia, with Terres de l’Ebre leading with an 11.6% growth from 2014. Catalan Ministry for Business and Knowledge Jordi Baiget said the increase in revenue is “parallel to the increase in tourists” who visit Catalonia — especially those who visit during the last quarter of the year, which in 2015 proved to be the most successful.