Spain to issue international arrest warrant against Puigdemont
Judge in the Spanish Supreme Court will also request the arrest of five other politicians currently abroad

The Spanish Supreme Court is to issue European and International arrest warrants against Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and five other pro-independence politicians currently abroad. The arrest warrants will affect Puigdemont, the deposed ministers Toni Comín, Lluís Puig and Meritxell Serret, currently in Belgium, his Education minister Clara Ponsatí, who is now living in Scotland, and the secretary-general of the Esquerra Republicana party, Marta Rovira. They are all prosecuted for rebellion for their role in the independence process and face more than 30 years in jail.
The decision came as the same judge sent five other politicians to pre-trial prison without bail: presidential candidate Jordi Turull, former Catalan Parliament president Carme Forcadell, and three deposed ministers, Josep Rull, Dolors Bassa and Raül Romeva. Today, the Spanish Supreme Court published the indictments in the independence case, which affects a total of 25 officials that will have to face trial.
Last November, the Spanish judiciary already issued a European arrest warrant against Puigdemont and his ministers, only to drop it days before the judge was to make a decision. In Belgium, and while the process was ongoing, the judge decided to allow them to remain free instead of putting them behind bars.