Campsite evacuated after bus fire spreads to forest

2,000 campers safely returned to site after blaze stabilized by firefighters

Imatge d'un autobús incendiat a la N-240, al seu pas per Montblanc
Imatge d'un autobús incendiat a la N-240, al seu pas per Montblanc / Bombers de la Generalitat
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Montblanc

June 27, 2024 06:38 PM

June 28, 2024 09:37 AM

Montblanc Park Campsite, located in central Catalonia, had to be evacuated on Thursday afternoon following a bus fire on the N-240 road that spread to an adjacent forest.

Firefighters asked at first that the users of the facility be confined, but in the end it was necessary to move them due to the proximity of the flames.

Some 2,000 people had to be brought away from the site for safety concerns, but they were able to return that evening after firefighters stabilized the blaze at around 9.30 on Thursday evening. 

The emergency services received a warning shortly after 4:15 pm and activated the Forestry Operations Group (GRAF) and air units.

The fire also forced the Lleida-Tarragona high-speed rail line between Espluga de Francolí and Alcover to be halted. The Civil Protection agency had activated the alert phase of its Infocat plan. 

The railway service was resumed around 10.15 pm and an hour later the roads were also reopened.