Plans for national day events to focus on ‘freedom’

Authorities unveil official poster for September 11 while ANC head promises a Diada of ‘smiles’ in run-up to October 1 referendum  


Catalan government spokesperson Jordi Turull (by ACN)
Catalan government spokesperson Jordi Turull (by ACN) / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

August 31, 2017 05:38 PM

Freedom and democracy have been chosen as the key concepts behind the institutional events organized for this year’s national day celebrations on September 11. With only a month until the independence referendum planned for October 1, on Thursday the Catalan authorities unveiled the official poster for September 11, Catalonia’s national day, and in recent years a date in which hundreds of thousands of Catalans have taken to the streets to demand the right to self-determination.

Presented by the Minister of the Presidency Jordi Turull, the 2017 poster is a simple design featuring the yellow and red of the Catalan flag alongside the word ‘llibertat’ (freedom). The main institutional event of the Catalan government and Parliament will take place on September 10, in the Mercat del Born, and will pay tribute to historical figures who defended the concepts of freedom and democracy, from Rosa Parks to Anna Politkovskaya.