More international figures sign up to ‘Let Catalans vote’ manifesto
Some 50 personalities have joined the campaign with recent adherents including Nobel Peace laureate Jody Williams, singer and activist Yoko Ono and former footballer Eric Cantona

The international campaign 'Let Catalans vote' ('Deixeu votar els catalans') continues to grow with now more than half a hundred global figures signed up to its manifesto. Since 2014, six Nobel prizewinners have put their names to the text, the latest being Nobel Peace laureate Jody Williams, the US activist who campaigns for human rights and coordinates the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. In fact since June, some nine international public figures have signed up to the manifesto, among them singer and peace activist Yoko Ono Lennon, English singer-songwriter Peter Gabriel and Cuban musician Silvio Rodríguez, while from the world of sport two big names to sign are the footballing legends Eric Cantona and Hristo Stoichkov.
Other personalities that have joined the call to allow the people of Catalonia to exercise their right to decide are Slovenian sociologist, jurist and politician Peter Jambreck, former State Secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Finance and head of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development between 2003 and 2012, Heiner Flassbeck, and Costas Lapavitsas, former Syriza MP and economics professor at London University.