'Fairy trap' goes viral after Spanish delegate's testimony
Enric Millo's mention in court of tactic to stop police entering polling stations on referendum day spawns avalanche of memes

It's not often that a witness statement in the Supreme Court goes viral on the internet, but the declaration on Tuesday by the former Spanish government delegate to Catalonia handed meme-makers a gift thanks to his reference to the so-called 'Fairy trap'.
In testifying in the trial of Catalan independence leaders, Enric Millo listed some of the alleged tactics used by people during the 2017 independence referendum to prevent Spanish police officers from closing down polling stations, including the 'Fairy trap'.
"An officer told me he had fallen for the Fairy trap. I asked him what that was. It consisted of spilling detergent at the entrances of some schools so when the police entered, they would slip, fall to the floor, and were then kicked in the head."